dissabte, 30 d’octubre del 2010

Franco Battiato-L´ombra della Luce (Subtitulos en español)

L'ombra della luce

Del mestre Battiato, per a mi la seva millor obra, una preciosa cançó L'ombra della luce.


Difendimi dalle forze contrarie,
la notte, nel sonno, quando non sono cosciente,
quando il mio percorso, si fa incerto,
E non abbandonarmi mai...
Non mi abbandonare mai!
Riportami nelle zone più alte
in uno dei tuoi regni di quiete:
E' tempo di lasciare questo ciclo di vite.
E non mi abbandonare mai,,.
Non mi abbandonare mai!
Perchè, le gioie del più profondo affetto
o dei più lievi aneliti del cuore
sono solo l'ombra della luce,
Ricordami, come sono infelice
lontano dalle tue leggi;
come non sprecare il tempo che mi rimane.
E non abbandonarmi mai...
Non mi abbandonare mai!
Perchè, la pace che ho sentito
in certi monasteri,
o la vibrante intesa di tutti i sensi in festa,
sono solo l'ombra della luce

diumenge, 4 de gener del 2009

Discografia de Yes

YES - Yes

1 – Beyond and before (Squire, Bailey)

2 – I See You (McGuinn, Crosby)
3 – Yesterday and Today (Anderson)
4 – Looking Around (Anderson, Squire)
5 – Harold Land (Anderson, Squire, Bruford)
6 – Every Little Thing (Lennon, McCartney)
7 – Sweetness (Anderson, Squire, Bailey)
8 – Survival (Anderson)

Produït per Paul Clay i Yes; gravat la primavera de 1969; i publicat per el segell Atlantic el 25 de juliol de 1969.

Jon Anderson: veu i percusió ocasional.
Peter Banks: guitarres i veus.
Tony Kaye: órgan i piano.
Chris Squire: baix i veus.
Bill Bruford: batería i vibráfon.

Hi ha una nova edició remasteritzada amb temes adicionals.

9 – Everydays (Stills) (versió single)
10 – Dear Father (Anderson, Squire)
11 – Something’s Coming (Bernstein, Sondheim)
12 – Everydays (Stills)
13 – Dear Father (Anderson, Squire)
14 – Something’s Coming (Bernstein, Sondheim)

Comentari del disc:

En primer lloc es important dir que aquest va ser un dels últims discs que vaig adquirir (i havia altres prioritats dins la seva discografia), hem sap greu no tenir-la cronològicament ja que això potser permetria tenir una opinió diferent en segons quins treballs (la meva primera experiència amb Yes es remunta al ja llunyà 1979 amb el Going for the one - vaga quin començament), recordo el bon amic Ricard que el va aconsellar ( un seguidor acèrrim d’en Rick Wakeman), ultima ment l’hi he perdut la pista però sempre li estaré agraït).

No hi ha dos dels seus pilars com són en Rick Wakeman i sobretot l'Steve Howe (dic sobretot perquè sense en Rick,el grup també a fet grans obres).

Una gran base rítmica que per a mi sobresurt de la resta, vaig estar un temps posant-hi especial atenció i m’encanta el treball d’en Chris (un dels millors baixistes del rock).

La veu de l'Anderson està una mica mes fosca que en posteriors treballs, en alguna web he llegit que era per el fet de fumar (no se fins a quin punt es veritat), però ja es destaquen les harmonies de veus entre ell i en Chris.

El teclat d’en Tony dona un gran treball amb el Hammond i encara ens depararà molt bons treballs.

El més fluix en Peter (no es tant fi i clar en la seva manera de tocar), tot i que en treballs en solitari m’agrada més (Two sides of Peter Banks, amb la col·laboració d’un bon grapat de mestres).

No crec que sigui tant mal treball com en alguns diuen, escoltant el primer disc de molts grups, te alguns moments bons.

Yes: Peter Banks, Bill Bruford, Chris Squire, Jon Anderson i Tony Kaye

Looking around la millor del disc sense dubte, uns bons cors amb una potent base rítmica (que n'es de bó en Chris), el Hammond d' en Tony esplendid omplint tots els forats per fer la peça mes compacte i bones veus del lider Jon.

Survival m'encanta el treball coral i la veu de l'Anderson, un classic que sempre acaba sortin en tots els recopilatoris que faig.

Dues peces mes la versió del famós Every little thing i Harold land que sempre ha estat per a mi especial.

dissabte, 3 de gener del 2009

Lletra Awaken


High Vibration go on
To the sun, oh let my heart dreaming
Past a mortal as me
Where can I be

Wish the sun to stand still
Reaching out to touch our own being
Past all mortal as we
Here we can be
We can be here
Be here now
Here we can be


Workings of man
Set to ply out historical life
Reregaining the flower of the fruit of his tree
All awakening
All restoring you

Workings of man
Crying out from the fire set aflame
By his blindness to see that the warmth of his being
Is promised for his seeing his reaching so clearly

Workings of man
Driven far from the path
Rereleased in inhibitions
So that all is left for you
all is left for you
all is left for you
all this left for you NOW...

Master of Images
Songs cast a light on you
Hark thru dark ties
That tunnel us out of sane existence
In challenge as direct
As eyes see young stars assemble

Master of Light
All pure chance
As exists cross divided
In all encircling mode
Oh closely guided plan
Awaken in our heart

Master of Soul
Set to touch
All impenetrable youth
Ask away
That thought be contact
With all that's clear
Be honest with yourself
There's no doubt no doubt

Master of Time
Setting sail
Over all our lands
And as we look
Forever closer
Shall we now bid
Farewell farewell...

High Vibration go on
To the sun, oh let my heart dreaming
Past a mortal as me
Where can I be

Wish the sun to stand still
Reaching out to touch our own being
Past all mortal as we
Here we can be
We can be here

Like the time I ran away
And turned around
And you were standing close to me

Like the time I ran away
And turned around
And you were standing close to me

Escollir entre totes les cançons de Yes es molt complicat ja que tenen grans obres mestres: Close to the edge, Relayer, el maravellós Tales from topographic oceans, Fragile, Going for the one.

Precisament d'aquest ultim disc hi han dues joies que sobresurten de la resta:

Turn of the century ( dona nóm aquest blog), amb un gran treball de Steve Howe i en Rick Wakeman, per no citar la veu angelical(quantes vegades tos hem utilitzat utilitzat aquesta expresió per intentar definir la Veu del progresiu/sinfonic).

Awaken La millor obra de Yes? Crec sincerament que si. Aqui la tenim:Dividida en dues parts.

Thanks to: vzqk50 per aquest gran treball.

Lletra One more time

A veure si algun dia la tradueixo...

One More Time
Out in the woods we play our songs
And travel through the woodlands together
In the light of heaven
And the silence of the world.

Keeping in touch with the sun
Keeping it for everyone

Latter day dreams that come your way
Will gather in the light

Everything about today just mellows
In the ligght: in your eyes.

I think about silent list
Drowned this summer, travel light
All the deeds and the candlelight
But there is no explaining it
Let the weary come around-one more time-
One more time
Let the weary come one more time around.

I should have guessed that things
Were getting out of hand, the other day
When you told me that you'd gone and left
Your father's ways behind
and you thought that you, couldn't understand him
Well, he didn't really answer the dreams
That you'd planned
So you chased around, all those times,
That come between you, yourself and yourself,
One more time, one more time, one more time
Did you have to think about it, one more time
Put yourself under pressure one more time,
One more time.

Things are looking better now
I heard you say the other day that you knew
So many times I've tried to understand,
We go through

Then again it's the morning light
That can catch my heart aflame
Just the thought of your sweet face

Over and over again
Over and over again
Over and over again

Over and over and over and over and over again.